What We Do

Crisis Foster Care

Providing crisis care for BC pets.

Our No Pet Left Behind crisis foster care program provides temporary safe care for pets of individuals who are in crisis, including escaping violence—creating safety for people and their pets.

Animal abuse is present in 89% of domestic violence cases. Many individuals will delay leaving an abuser for fear of their pet’s safety should they leave the pet behind, thus prolonging the abuse. Moreover, there are few places to go that allow pets, creating a gap in resources for these individuals. This program intends to fill this important gap—ensuring pets are included in the social safety net for individuals fleeing violence.

We also recognize that there are other crises people experience that demand a temporary safe place for their pets to go while individuals get the help they need. Whether it is addiction, mental health treatment, or time to find pet friendly housing, we strive to make sure no pet is left behind.

Find a safe place for your pet

If you or someone you know is in crisis, escaping violence, or otherwise needs a temporary safe place for animals to go while individuals get the help they need, please fill complete our Request for Service form. If you prefer a PDF form, please contact us.

Cassie Preston, Program Manager
[email protected]

Click the button below to access the Request for Service form. Please provide as much information as possible—including the supplementary information forms.

Request for Service Form

Our Service Areas

Become a Foster Home

About the Program

Our crisis foster care program helps to ensure people in crisis can have a safe place for their pet to stay while they get the support they need to get back on their feet. If you live in Metro Vancouver / Fraser Region and feel you can open your heart and your home we would love to hear from you!

Program Manual

The No Pet Left Behind Manual is the starting place for people who want to foster and/or need support. It explains the program’s approach, expected outcomes, and eligibility criteria. It also explains our intake process and includes the most frequently asked questions that we receive from foster families.

The second half of the manual is made up of the relevant forms and waivers that are required for those involved in our No Pet Left Behind Program (e.g., request for service, animal information, expense claims, custody forms).

Training for Foster Homes

For those interested in or currently fostering animals through our No Pet Left Behind Program, our partners at the BC Society of Transition Houses have created a free, online training course to help you learn about the program and your role. It covers topics like the bond between humans and animals as well as the connections between social issues and animal welfare. You can learn more and enrol for free here.

Supported By

Foster Homes Needed

Families who foster through our No Pet Left Behind program are very special. They care for the pets of people in crisis, knowing that they will not have the opportunity to adopt their foster animal, and will inevitably have to say goodbye. But in doing so, they are saving lives and keeping families together.

Rescue Standards Accredited

Our No Pet Left Behind crisis foster care program is a BC Rescue Standards accredited program. You can learn more about the Animal Rescue Standards of Practice here.

Apply to Volunteer, Foster, or Adopt

Our crisis foster care program (called No Pet Left Behind) was developed to provide safe care for pets of individuals who are escaping violence—creating safety for people and their pets. Foster homes are therefore an integral part of the program.

This program is different from others in that we require discretion from foster homes with respect to the animal(s) they may be caring for. The privacy of individuals is important for many reasons. Therefore, we ask that the animal(s) and their situation not be discussed publicly and that foster families do not post or share photos anywhere online. This policy is non-negotiable and must be discussed with all members of the household.

Paws for Hope will provide all necessities and cover veterinary expenses for all foster pets during their stay in your home. Please contact us before purchasing your own supplies.

We are in our pilot phase and will serve Metro Vancouver, the Fraser Valley and North and West Vancouver. We are currently recruiting foster families and volunteers. If you would like to become a foster parent or find out how else to become involved, complete the application form or contact Cassie, No Pet Left Behind Program Manager [email protected] or 604-506-9297.

Foster Application

We are currently recruiting foster families and volunteers. If you want to help ensure that no pets are left behind, you can fill out our foster application form here. Foster families and volunteers are critical to ensuring pets and their people can find safety.

If you are unable to open your home to foster pets but want to be involved, you can make a donation here.

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