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It’s time for the B.C. government to recognize pets are members of the family

Do you think of pets as family members? We do – in fact, it’s one of our core principles. And we’re not alone: a strong majority of Canadians feel the same way. 

As family members, our pets trust us to watch over them, and many of our daily decisions revolve around their well-being. We also share unconditional love, and there’s an unquestionable connection between their health and happiness and ours. It’s a connection that extends beyond the family unit to our communities at large. 

That’s no surprise, given that pets form a part of a majority of Canadian families. In fact, 60 percent of Canadian families include a pet, compared to just 42 that include children. 

But Canadian families are struggling as they face the surging cost of everything from housing to food to transportation. Many also face challenges in adequately providing for their pets. 

Can you imagine being forced to break up your family to put a roof over your head? It’s a heartbreaking choice people in this province face every single day as they struggle to find affordable and pet-friendly accommodation.

One in five Canadian families is also struggling with the cost of veterinary care. 

No one wins in this scenario. Amid these pressures, more than 200,000 Canadians are considering surrendering a pet, while more than 4 million cats and dogs – one in five in Canada – are already homeless.

Their human family members, meanwhile, will often delay getting help for themselves if the needs of their pets can’t be met at the same time. 

A recent CBC report found animal abuse to be rampant in Canadian domestic abuse cases, while more than half of women living in those situations held off on leaving because of concern for their pets. Global News reports many people in British Columbia are also putting off drug treatment for lack of a safe place for their pets. 

But it doesn’t have to be like this. We’re calling on the government to recognize pets as a part of the family unit, to think about them when making policies and most importantly to include them in its social spending. 

Recognizing the needs of pets won’t just help ensure our animals are healthy, safe and happy. It’s a way to ensure stronger, healthier families and a step towards a future where no one is forced to choose between their home, their safety and the companions they love. 

Add your voice, and join us in calling on the province to recognize pets as family members.

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